I have been totally bad about getting my blog on. And last time I posted I promised I would be better and have a great post and then guess what happened, I
GOT ENGAGED!!!! And it has been great, and kinda not great. But I will go into detail tonight about all the going ons. But right now my dears I have a nail app., cause I am tired of showing of my ring with shitty looking nails :) Have a superb day.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So sleepy my loves...tomorrow lots of good stuff!!! goodnight
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A baked potato and a glass of wine, that my dears is an amazing dinner and a fabulous way to end a beautiful Sunday.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
My dears I have made a life changing decision. It is huge and will impact the rest of my life greatly. Here it is....I have decided to wear only matching panties and bras, and not only matching ones but beautiful ones, a set that makes me feel good. Now I know that clothes shouldn't make you feel good and all that but you know what they kinda have an impact. As I was getting dressed for work today I put on a decent bra and some unders that didn't match and were not cute. And I decided you know what, why not feel sexy under anything. So my dears that is my goal. Undergarments are expensive so this may take a while to build the collection I need for my life but I am going to start.
I would also like to have her body, but hey I am happy with what I got and with start with matching lingerie and see where that takes me :)
I would also like to have her body, but hey I am happy with what I got and with start with matching lingerie and see where that takes me :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I dont how I forgot this shit...
I sure as hell didn't get my full experience at beauty school down today, I can't believe I forgot to mention this nonsense. I had to take a entrance exam, which was basic reading and math knowledge, so they put me in a room that is tiny and with three computers. So in this room there is 4 girls gossiping about this and that, which was fine, it was a basic test so I didn't really need to concentrate. But then about 6 girls cram into this room that is made for 3 people MAX, and are talking about how they have to sew something. Which I didn't care about except it was getting kinda tight but whatever. So the original girls tell them they need to be quit I am taking a test, trying to be respectful. The new 6 girls don't give a shit, then a teacher cruises by and tells them all to get the hell out, cause I am testing. Well they glare at me and stand outside the door talking shit and this one bitch was tapping her foot, and the door had a window so the are glaring at me. It was ridiculous, and pissed me off. Thanks for listening to my rant.
My day....
So I have decided that I want to go to nail school and become a nail technician. I went in and talked to a very prominent beauty school in my area today. The one I went to is 2 minutes away from my boyfriends house so I thought it would be perfect, BUT of course that my dears would be to easy. That school doesn't offer just a nail course I would have to go through hair, nails, makeup, with the majority of the time spent on hair. This means my search is still on for a nail school.
Other than that my day was pretty boring. I will have a post for a little something special I did for my boyfriend, but that my dears will have to wait until tomorrow.
Other than that my day was pretty boring. I will have a post for a little something special I did for my boyfriend, but that my dears will have to wait until tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I am lusting after this planner. I have been lusting after it for damn near 4 months. So I started an envelope savings plan for it. Figuring that a couple bucks here and there being put in an envelope would make this splurge a lot easier. Well I am $20 away from having my money ready to invest and I am freaking out. How can I seriously spend this much on a damn planner when I have credit card debt? But I have been saving and putting money to my credit card to so can't I get a special treat? I have tried looking at other cheaper options and I can't stop thinking about this one. So I have no idea what I am going to do. I blame gala darling for this. But since I love her blog I can't really blame her.
Fresh Start
I am starting fresh!! I am really going to keep blogging and not do 12 posts then forget about it! So here's to me and my new blogging adventure :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Importance of budgeting properly
I have been really good about putting my pay check into my account and not using for anything else than paying down my credit cards, phone bill, and saving. So I keep cash on hand, form my tips, for gas and small things I need. Well I had a doctors appointment last week and the doctors visit was $75 and the prescription was $34. I hadn't really budgeted for it. So I used my debit card and took the money out of my account and I had plenty to cover it but still I need to be better about planning for these things. I will have 3-4 more doctors visits at that price so I will be preparing for that now. But I also have my gyno app next week and am looking into trying a new birth control so I am not sure what the price will be. It is also a new gyno who does accept my insurance but I still am not sure what the office visit will cost. So I pretty much have automatic transfers coming out to savings and credit cards for the full amount of the paycheck I put in. I am thinking I will have to revise these even though I love the feeling of getting out of debt.
Nail School
Ok so slowly but surely I am saving away for nail school. I really want to have an opportunity to earn extra income. I can do this for the rest of my life and schedule it around regular work and whatever else is going on. can go part time for 8 months for just under $5,000. I really want to make sure I am financially stable for the rest of my life and having a trade that I can do and schedule myself around a career and kids.
Well I Guess
Since I did a update on my credit card #1 I figured I might as well do an update on all my other money matters.
So you know what credit card #1, credit card #2 is 1,109.44. My boyfriend actually offered to pay this off for me but I don't know. It would be nice but I kinda want to do it myself too.
My Credit Union Account:
Checking- $100
Savings- $126.17
IRA- $211.59
I for sure need to keep contributing to my IRA. I think I am going to roll it over to Wells Fargo since that is where I do the majority of my banking. I posted awhile ago that I had a small windfall and so I supplemented these accounts. I don't plan on using this money just letting it sit. I might add more to my savings if I have a little extra but these should basically stay the same.
Wells Fargo:
Emergency Fund Savings-$50.00
5 dollars a day-$175.00
Joint savings with boyfriend-$1000.00
I know my checking is low but I am putting my paycheck in the bank today. My check is $342.58. I am going to put 10% into my emergency fund savings, which will be $34.26. My goal is to be able to save 10% into savings every paycheck and then once I get my credit cards paid down start saving more into that account.
Envelope Savings-
$5 dollars a day- $485 Almost half way to my $1,000 goal
Nail School- $14 (If I remember I will post my goal on this one after this post)
Emergency Fund-$14 - I really don't know if I should be saving for this with my envelope system. I am kinda thinking I will continue doing everything the way I am until the end of the year and then re asses.
Medical Fund-$14
New Place-$14 (This is also what the boyfriend and I are saving for in our joint account)
New Car-$16
So you know what credit card #1, credit card #2 is 1,109.44. My boyfriend actually offered to pay this off for me but I don't know. It would be nice but I kinda want to do it myself too.
My Credit Union Account:
Checking- $100
Savings- $126.17
IRA- $211.59
I for sure need to keep contributing to my IRA. I think I am going to roll it over to Wells Fargo since that is where I do the majority of my banking. I posted awhile ago that I had a small windfall and so I supplemented these accounts. I don't plan on using this money just letting it sit. I might add more to my savings if I have a little extra but these should basically stay the same.
Wells Fargo:
Emergency Fund Savings-$50.00
5 dollars a day-$175.00
Joint savings with boyfriend-$1000.00
I know my checking is low but I am putting my paycheck in the bank today. My check is $342.58. I am going to put 10% into my emergency fund savings, which will be $34.26. My goal is to be able to save 10% into savings every paycheck and then once I get my credit cards paid down start saving more into that account.
Envelope Savings-
$5 dollars a day- $485 Almost half way to my $1,000 goal
Nail School- $14 (If I remember I will post my goal on this one after this post)
Emergency Fund-$14 - I really don't know if I should be saving for this with my envelope system. I am kinda thinking I will continue doing everything the way I am until the end of the year and then re asses.
Medical Fund-$14
New Place-$14 (This is also what the boyfriend and I are saving for in our joint account)
New Car-$16
Rolling Coins...
So I rolled all my coins and came up with $322.24 and I put it all on Credit Card #1!! Bringing my balance down to $857.83. Still high but under $1,000. Slowly but surely this bad boy is going to get paid off.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Yes 168 is my current weight. I am 5'10 and would love to be 140. So I will be posting on that trail. Other than that I would just like to say Happy Friday!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Love and Lust...
So I am totally loving a few new things I have been trying and thought I should share with everyone...

For a little self pampering, these feel so good. I have been working nights and getting up early in the morning to get things done before the heat and have started taking naps. And let me tell you these make a nap as awesome as something really awesome.
Now on to my list of lusts...(A very short version because my lust list is always a million pages and growing)
Don't these look like the most comfortable thing ever.

This looks like it would be way cool. I need to do some more research and see what the reviews on it are.

Rosebud Salve
AMAZING lip balm. I have super sensitive lips that will break out if I use anything other than all natural balms and I tried this and it felt amazing with no break outs!!
Professional Platinum Angled Eyeliner Brush #23
This brush is simply the best thing ever. I do not know how I ever did my liner before this brush entered my life.
Now on to my list of lusts...(A very short version because my lust list is always a million pages and growing)

EMU Australia Women's Hip Boot
Shakti Mat
This looks like it would be way cool. I need to do some more research and see what the reviews on it are.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Last night as I pull into work one of my co workers wife pulls up and very bluntly asks "Can I borrow your car?" I am so so bad at these situations. I can not say no which is a terrible problem. So I let her use my car and then fell sick to my stomach the whole time she was gone imaging all the possibilities that this could go wrong. A little back story to my car, I do not actually own it. My parents do it is 100% paid off and it is a older car. Since I have to commute a ways to school my dad is really stressing about my car lasting until I graduate in December. I know a few friends who have lent out there car and got them back damaged. So that was all I could think about. Luckily I got it back safely but it was still too much of a stressful situation.
So what you would do? A bunch of my co workers told me I just needed to learn to say no. But that is hard for me. I am a people pleaser. Have you been in this situation before?
So what you would do? A bunch of my co workers told me I just needed to learn to say no. But that is hard for me. I am a people pleaser. Have you been in this situation before?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Money Honey
So part of this blogging experience for me is going to be writing about my finances and how I am working on improving them. So to start I will list all my accounts and debts. I work with two banks but use Wells Fargo as my primary, the second bank is a Credit Union in my hometown. I try to through some extra money when I have it just because.
Credit Union
Credit Card-$1165.71 12.5%
I am planning on rolling my IRA over to a another bank and get back on track with putting money in it regularly.
Wells Fargo
Emergency Fund-$50
5 Dollars a Day Fund-$105**
Joint account with boyfriend- $0
Credit Card-$1155.62
I just opened the Joint account with my boyfriend Monday and they are processing everything so that money should show up by the end of the week and I will update it. We still need to get together and make some goals for this account and figure out what we want to save for.
The 5 dollars a day account is something new I am trying after reading this post at the Simple Dollar http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2006/12/27/a-financial-plan-for-2007-the-abraham-lincoln-plan/.
Today is pay day and I got a windfall of $400 dollars that I will be putting in the bank tomorrow so my checking will go back up and so will my savings. I will update on that later.
I want to learn how to put sidebars on my blog, with my saving accounts and credit cards so I can see the savings go up and the debt go down.
I am also going to be rolling all my change which should add up to a pretty penny and be throwing it all at my credit card debts.
So there is a book that I have been reading, The Millionaire Next Door, http://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Door-Thomas-Stanley/dp/0671015206/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1280855952&sr=1-1, and it is so interesting. It is all about how people who look like average Americans are really the ones who can be classified as millionaires because they live below there means and the people who drive fancy cars and where expensive clothes usually do not have any money. Right now it is talking about how most millionaires have goals and know what they are saving for and how they want to get there. So that is on my to-do list.
I am currently a waitress and a student. I love being a waitress because getting cold hard cash every day lets me utilize the envelope budgeting system. In the accounts listed above they all get funded with my paycheck, and I try to live day to day with my envelope budgeting. The savings accounts and credit cards are all on automatic payments and I am working on fine tuning all of the above and will give more details on that later. So in my envelopes I have :
A 5 dollar a day fund-I started this one and decided that I needed to have one in the bank too. So far I have $305. I think I want to get it to $800 or maybe $1,000 dollars and then I will stop funding this one. Do you think $800-$1,000 is too much to have in the house?
Hair-$7 I just got my hair done last week ($150) so I am starting over. I really love having my hair done so this is something that I know I could cut back on and save money but if I save a couple bucks a day in there I can afford it.
Nails-$7 Just got these done too. Every two weeks I spend $25 getting them done.
Buckle-$47 I LOVE this store, but wow it is so expensive. So I have promised to stay out of there until I have enough money saved.
Makeup-$37- I have super sensitive skin and have to wear a special makeup that is expensive. So slowly but surely I save up for it.
This was all my savings goals until last week when I added a whole bunch more envelopes. The above envelopes get a couple extra $1 or whatever I have extra every day. The following get funded whenever no real system yet.
Nail School-I will discuss this later in detail. But in nut shell I would like to have a side job that I can earn some extra money with a flexible schedule and nail school was calling my name.
Bob Berg-This is a jewelry designer and I am lusting after a bracelet for about $600
Medical Fund-You never know when a hospital visit will arrive! I am starting with a envelope savings system but will eventually move it to a bank when I do some more research and see where the best place for it will be.
New Place-For right now the BF and I don't live together but it is going to happen in the near future.
Elliptical-I want a really nice one that folds up and is light so I can take it out and do an hour while watching T.V. and put it back so it does not have to become part of the room decor.
New Car-This should probably be among my more serious saving accounts but I need to get my credit cards paid off first and then I will re prioritize my savings.
Lunch w/ the Ladies-Every couple weeks me and a couple girlfriends meet up for lunch to catch up. So I put a couple bucks away for it every day and lunch is paid for!!
Car Wash- Taking good care of your car makes it last longer so I try to wash it. I always use a coupon ( I am on the VIP list and get specials and coupons sent to me) and if I throw a couple bucks in there randomly by the time my coupon comes my car wash is funded.
Vacation-One day...
Date Night-Just started this Yesterday! BF treated me to an AMAZING date night so I figured I should pay him back. So when this gets built up I will do just that.
CD Savings-I am still learning about CD's and investing in them so after some more research I will put this in the CD of choice and watch it grow.
WOW!! This is a long ass post. I hate long posts on blogs too :) After looking this over I realized maybe I took the envelope budgeting/saving too far. Hmmm....What do you think?
Credit Union
Credit Card-$1165.71 12.5%
I am planning on rolling my IRA over to a another bank and get back on track with putting money in it regularly.
Wells Fargo
Emergency Fund-$50
5 Dollars a Day Fund-$105**
Joint account with boyfriend- $0
Credit Card-$1155.62
I just opened the Joint account with my boyfriend Monday and they are processing everything so that money should show up by the end of the week and I will update it. We still need to get together and make some goals for this account and figure out what we want to save for.
The 5 dollars a day account is something new I am trying after reading this post at the Simple Dollar http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2006/12/27/a-financial-plan-for-2007-the-abraham-lincoln-plan/.
Today is pay day and I got a windfall of $400 dollars that I will be putting in the bank tomorrow so my checking will go back up and so will my savings. I will update on that later.
I want to learn how to put sidebars on my blog, with my saving accounts and credit cards so I can see the savings go up and the debt go down.
I am also going to be rolling all my change which should add up to a pretty penny and be throwing it all at my credit card debts.
So there is a book that I have been reading, The Millionaire Next Door, http://www.amazon.com/Millionaire-Next-Door-Thomas-Stanley/dp/0671015206/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1280855952&sr=1-1, and it is so interesting. It is all about how people who look like average Americans are really the ones who can be classified as millionaires because they live below there means and the people who drive fancy cars and where expensive clothes usually do not have any money. Right now it is talking about how most millionaires have goals and know what they are saving for and how they want to get there. So that is on my to-do list.
I am currently a waitress and a student. I love being a waitress because getting cold hard cash every day lets me utilize the envelope budgeting system. In the accounts listed above they all get funded with my paycheck, and I try to live day to day with my envelope budgeting. The savings accounts and credit cards are all on automatic payments and I am working on fine tuning all of the above and will give more details on that later. So in my envelopes I have :
A 5 dollar a day fund-I started this one and decided that I needed to have one in the bank too. So far I have $305. I think I want to get it to $800 or maybe $1,000 dollars and then I will stop funding this one. Do you think $800-$1,000 is too much to have in the house?
Hair-$7 I just got my hair done last week ($150) so I am starting over. I really love having my hair done so this is something that I know I could cut back on and save money but if I save a couple bucks a day in there I can afford it.
Nails-$7 Just got these done too. Every two weeks I spend $25 getting them done.
Buckle-$47 I LOVE this store, but wow it is so expensive. So I have promised to stay out of there until I have enough money saved.
Makeup-$37- I have super sensitive skin and have to wear a special makeup that is expensive. So slowly but surely I save up for it.
This was all my savings goals until last week when I added a whole bunch more envelopes. The above envelopes get a couple extra $1 or whatever I have extra every day. The following get funded whenever no real system yet.
Nail School-I will discuss this later in detail. But in nut shell I would like to have a side job that I can earn some extra money with a flexible schedule and nail school was calling my name.
Bob Berg-This is a jewelry designer and I am lusting after a bracelet for about $600
Medical Fund-You never know when a hospital visit will arrive! I am starting with a envelope savings system but will eventually move it to a bank when I do some more research and see where the best place for it will be.
New Place-For right now the BF and I don't live together but it is going to happen in the near future.
Elliptical-I want a really nice one that folds up and is light so I can take it out and do an hour while watching T.V. and put it back so it does not have to become part of the room decor.
New Car-This should probably be among my more serious saving accounts but I need to get my credit cards paid off first and then I will re prioritize my savings.
Lunch w/ the Ladies-Every couple weeks me and a couple girlfriends meet up for lunch to catch up. So I put a couple bucks away for it every day and lunch is paid for!!
Car Wash- Taking good care of your car makes it last longer so I try to wash it. I always use a coupon ( I am on the VIP list and get specials and coupons sent to me) and if I throw a couple bucks in there randomly by the time my coupon comes my car wash is funded.
Vacation-One day...
Date Night-Just started this Yesterday! BF treated me to an AMAZING date night so I figured I should pay him back. So when this gets built up I will do just that.
CD Savings-I am still learning about CD's and investing in them so after some more research I will put this in the CD of choice and watch it grow.
WOW!! This is a long ass post. I hate long posts on blogs too :) After looking this over I realized maybe I took the envelope budgeting/saving too far. Hmmm....What do you think?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
So this is my first post! I really have nothing to say either. But I am excited to start this blog. I am going to use it as somewhat of a journal, and I hope that some one will find some sort of enjoyment out of it. So happy Tuesday my dears and I will hopefully have something cool to post soon.
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